After much waiting and absurd anticipation-building tactics, HBO has finally released the trailer for Season 7.
The new trailer, which has countless layers left for fans to unfold and theorize about, leads up to the penultimateseason on the HBO hit.
However, there is one layer that proves one of the culminating battle weve all been waiting for will happen this season.
Its the battle between the Lannisters and the Targaryns; and by the looks of the trailer, fans will get the gory, bloody, incredibly directed, jaw-droppingly produced battle weve been waiting for.
To refresh your memory, Dany has both the army of the Unsullied and the Dothraki on her side, and Cersei is currently ruling the Iron Throne in Kings Landing.
Cersei Lannister and DaenerysTargaryenare the centers of the Season 7 trailer and for good reason.
Ive broken down the scenes that seemingly outline the Lannister/Targaryen battles below.
At 0:25, we see the Lannister army marching with their red, lion-bearing shields.
Following this, which we see under a voiceover of Cersei Lannister talking about her enemies, we see DaenerysTargaryen standing in front of the gates of Dragonstone, home of the Targaryens, with an army of Unsullied behind her (note: Greyworm to the right).
At 0:48, we see the Unsullied storming into Kings Landing.
A second later, at 0:49, we see an Unsullied pierce a Lannister armor-wearing soldier, while another lays on the ground.
At 1:13, we see Daenerys and Tyrion standing over a large table (hang in there, this comes into play in a second).
Seconds later, we see more fighting in Kings Landing between the Unsullied and the Lannister army.
This is immediatelyfollowed by a cut to the Dothraki army, in a different terrain, riding into battle on horses. You can see the army they are fighting is wearing Lannister armor.
At 1:22, we see a lion figure being knocked over. By the looks of it, it is Tyrions hand at the same table he and Dany are standing at 1:13, signifying a possible defeat of the Lannisters.
And finally, we see the Dothraki army being joined by one of Daeneryss dragons.
Of course, this is all speculation based on the Season 7 trailer, which was just released today, May 24. Well all have to patiently wait until July 16 to really get our answers.
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