Thursday, July 13, 2017

These Game of Thrones photos just make the 4-day wait seem longer

Winter is almost here. Four days away to be precise, and in anticipation of its arrival, HBOjust released photos for the season 7 premiere of Game of Thrones. They don’t tell us much, but they sure do amp up the excitement.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

The watchers on the Wall are sure to have a major part in this season, with the White Walkers nearly on their doorstep, and a later photoin thelineup indicates the arrival of two important characters on the Wall.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Daenerys Targaryens new attire is much more appropriate for the coming winter, buther graceful desert gowns will be missed.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

This photo doesn’t seem to reveal anything new, unless that glass is full of something very unusual for Cersei, like water.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Daenerys returns to her birthplace, Dragonstone, which is also the name of the first episode.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Lyanna Mormont will save us all.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

This photo is hard to decipher, but it’s quite possible that he’s just painting a giant war mapfor Cersei to stomp around and plot on.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne face off in what looks to be Winterfell. With an earlier promo photo showing Brienne and Tormund meeting again,chances are good that the duo will reach the ancestral castle.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

It looks like Bran and Meera will make it to the Wall to chat with newly appointed Lord Commander Dolorous Edd. With everything they learned last season, fromBenjen Stark to the White Walker threat, that should be an interesting conversation.

Anything gleaned from these photos is pure speculation, of course, but fans only have to wait a few more days before finding out how to connect these dots.

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