Monday, August 7, 2017

Here’s Why The Iron Bank On ‘Game Of Thrones’ Is So, So Important

Even for the most hardcore of fans, sometimes it’s hard to keep track of the millions of characters and places in Westeros. So if you were watching Season 7, Episode 4, The Spoils of War, you might have noticed all this talk of the Iron Bank between Cersei andTycho Nestoris (aka Mycroft from BBC’s) Well, here’s why the Iron Bank on matters so much.

So essentially, the Iron Bank of Braavos is the biggest, most powerful bank in the entire world ofThe Iron Bank is located in the free city of Braavos, and has clients all across Essos and Westeros. You all know how the Lannisters always pay their debts, well, the Iron Bank will always remind its clients to pay the heck up when it comes to loans. (The Iron Bank will have its due.)

The reason why we care so much about the Iron Bank in Season 7 is because the Crown of Westeros (aka Cersei Lannister) owes the banks some major cash. The bank sendsTycho Nestoris played by Mark Gatiss, who you may recognize as Mycroft Holmes from BBC’s to King’s Landing to collect this debt. We also learn that the bank is definitely Team Lannister, because of how much money it’s made from the slave trade an institution that Daenerys Targaryen destroyed.


In Episode 3, Cersei convinces Tycho to wait in King’s Landing, promises that her brother Jamie will be back with the gold she owes soon. Unfortunately (spoiler!), Jamie and his army had a run in with Khaleesiand her dragon, and it seems unlikely he’ll get that gold back to King’s Landing after all.

This is potentially worrying for Cersei, because she really needs that support from the Iron Bank if she has any hope of beating Daenerys. It looks like the Iron Bank has once again backed the wrong client. (RIP, Stannis.)

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