Thursday, August 10, 2017

The newest ‘Game of Thrones’ photos hint at the fallout from its fiery battle

Warning: This article contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 7.

HBO released the newest batch of photos previewing this weeks Game of Thrones episode, titled Eastwatch, and although they dont reveal much, they do start to show what happens after a dragon is set on Westeros.

Tyrion Lannister, who witnessed the battle between Daenerys Targaryen, Drogon, and the Dothraki and the Lannister army last week, is walking on the battlefield. Drogons handiwork is apparent: theres a small fire behind him and no remains to be found. Tyrion also witnessed his brother Jaime try to take out Dany with a spear before Bronn pulled him away in the nick of time. Its possible that aside from observing the battlefield, Tyrion might be attempting to locate Jaime, whose fate was left up in the air at the end of last week’s episode.

Photo via Macall B. Polay/HBO

With Dothraki by their side, Dany and Tyrion look as though theyre addressing someone. Although Dany does return to Dragonstone at some point in the episode, this photo is likely from her address to the surviving Lannister soldiers where she calls for them to bend the kneeor die.

Photo via Macall B. Polay/HBO

Speaking of bending the knee, Jon Snow remains at Dragonstone and is there long enough to see Danys return. Shes valued his advice beforeand now believes the threat of the White Walkers is realso its likely that shell seek his counsel again, presumably after he gets some face time with Drogon.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Back in the war room, Varys is present as whats left of Danys council contemplates their next move. Jon is most likely present for this scene, in which he reveals that Bran saw a vision in which the Night King appears to be heading for Eastwatch.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

However, not everything is sitting well with Varys, who speaks to Tyrion in Dragonstones throne room. A few episodes ago Dany asked Varys to promise her that hell tell her how shes failing the people if she reaches that point, but for now hes confiding in someone else.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

Over in Kings Landing, Cersei Lannisterwho already had a few victories under her beltisnt so victorious anymore. Shes sitting on her bed, but its hard to read what shes feeling here. Is she wondering what happened to Jamie?

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

And in Oldtown, Samwell Tarly and Gilly are once again pouring over books, though it looks as though it could be less vital research and more along the lines of the punishment Sam received for curing Ser Jorah Mormont of greyscale.

Photo via Helen Sloan/HBO

As is usually the case with Game of Thrones, its just as curious what wasnt included in the first round of promotional photos as it is to see what was. Winterfell, which had a big presence last week and is now housing three Stark children, isnt previewed at all. Jorah hasnt been around since he bid farewell to Sam, while the Hound, the Brotherhood Without Banners, and Tormund Giantsbane havent been spotted in several episodes.

Eastwatch airs Sunday, Aug. 13 at 9pm ET.

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