Spoilers follow for Game of Thrones Season 7, episode four. So don’t act like you haven’t been warned, dummy.
Finally, (most of) the Starks are back together.
With winter falling all around Winterfell, it was only fitting that the Starks have a family reunion for most everyone who’s still alive.
This episode saw the triumphant return of Arya. Though two dullards tried to keep her out of her own home, there’s no stopping a girl who is no one and it led to a very emotional reunion with Sansa over their father’s grave. Things were only made more weepy when Bran joined them by the weirwood (even though he’s v creepy now and wtf is he).
Jon Snow is still in Dragonstone, undertaking his new mining operation, trying to Make Westeros Great Again, so he unfortunately couldn’t join his surviving ‘siblings‘ in Winterfell. But all the same, it was extremely touching to see these disparate survivors who have gone through so very much sitting calmly and talking to each other about old times.
(I mean, it was great except Bran. idk, guys. Is he ever going to be relatable again?)
REGARDLESS, the internet absolutely freaking loved it.
Hoping for another Stark family reunion tonight like… #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/KCbSfqCEJO
Elizabeth Banks (@ElizabethBanks) August 6, 2017
I just want Arya and Sansa to bond and murder Cersei together. You two are so similar now, please talk!! #GameOfThrones
AlizaW (@AlizaTweets) August 7, 2017
ok I am officially crying. My Stark bbs
nessa (@durillium) August 7, 2017
Stark gang back baby #demthrones pic.twitter.com/N08IpqT8DX
Squallah (@The_WavyOne) August 7, 2017
“I’m Arya Stark.This is my home”. #GameOfThrones pic.twitter.com/roIkxk9eqZ
endgame (@delenaslooch) August 7, 2017
Issa STARK REUNION!!! #GameofThrones
Everyone Calls me G (@futbolfreedom) August 7, 2017
Another Stark came home and I cry @GameOfThrones
Alexandra Leigh (@prncssalejandra) August 7, 2017
Stark Reunion got me like #GameOfThones #GameOfThrones #gots7 #GameOfThronesS7 pic.twitter.com/UlIVkpLSKi
Robbie Ramos (@Robbieallday28) August 7, 2017
“I’m Arya Stark, this is MY home” #gots7 pic.twitter.com/yNTwVjKMg0
manu (@manuharagao) August 7, 2017
David and Dan giving us Stark reunions left right and center. Just like DJ Khaled once said. ‘Another One’ #ThronesYall #GOTS7 pic.twitter.com/BBLrZQeiHk
Ryan (@TotoRyan69) August 7, 2017
THE STARK SISTERS ARE BACK TOGETHER #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/chpy0xHkKu
Rick Grimes (@DrPresidentPat) August 7, 2017
STARK SISTER REUNION. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. #GameofThrones pic.twitter.com/4PMfa21sGu
Faith D’Isa (@FaithNoMoar) August 7, 2017
Now let’s just hope that they stay alive for a while.
Read more: http://mashable.com/
The post When the Starks reunited on ‘Game of Thrones,’ the internet wept appeared first on TVShowVirals.com.
source http://www.tvshowvirals.com/when-the-starks-reunited-on-game-of-thrones-the-internet-wept/
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