Monday, June 19, 2017

Sam From ‘Game Of Thrones’ Reveals If He Reunites With Jon Snow In Season 7

Warning: This post contains potential spoilers for Season 7 of

Next month may be July, but for fans winter is coming.

Were now a mere 30 days away from the premiere ofSeason 7 (July 16), meaning spoilers are getting harder and hard to avoid.

So hey, if you cant avoid them, share them with the world on your digital media platform, right? Thats my policy, anyways! (Seriously, stop reading now if you dont want spoilers.)

In that spirit, I have some bad news for fans who were hoping to see a reunion between Samwell Tarly and Jon Snow: It aint gonna happen.

I know, Im bummed too, but according actor John Bradley-West, who plays Sam, that finalgoodbye between Sam and Jon really was a final goodbye (at least for this coming season).

In an interview for the upcoming July 2017 issue of magazine, Bradley-West said,

Jon and Sam have said goodbye a lot. But you felt there was finality to that last goodbye between them. This season Ive never felt more cast into wilderness, really.

The article suggestedthat Samwell will be spending most of his time in Season 7 with a character not seen in the HBO adaption before:Archmaester Marwyn, who will be played byJim Broadbent.

(AKA Slughorn from!)

Warner Bros.

You can thank Reddit user comrade_batmanfor this clip, but for the full interview with the cast, who reveal 14 other things you should know about Season 7,purchase the July issue ofin stores now.

This is not the only bad news that Jon Snow fans have received this week.

Emilia Clarke recently shut down the popular fan theory/fantasy that someday Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryn might get together, romantic stylez.

But when asked by about the prospect of sharing the Iron Throne with Kit Harrington, Clarke said,

I think that she has ultimately put aside her own need for a man. She is so engaged and wrapped up in leading and being the queen and ruling and fulfilling her birth right that the idea of someone coming in and sharing that title is probably something shes not comfortable with.

Damn. No best friend and no Mother of Dragons girlfriend. Cant Jon Snow ever catch a break?

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